How we work
Proclade works in close collaboration with Mission Procurators of the Claretian Congregation to manage international cooperation projects. The social work of PROCLADE focuses on individuals and context-specific struggles for rights, by having a rights-based approaches to development that involve ‘bottom up’ empowerment of local communities. All international cooperation projects are the result of a real call for help from locals, which actively participate in the formulation and implementation of projects. Dialogue with local references is of fundamental importance for us, as they know the needs of the beneficiaries, who are the real protagonists of any project.
Our action is universal and addressed to all people in need without any distinction of gender, nationality, religion, culture. Its commitment gives priority to the most vulnerable people, such as children, women, elderly people, disabled people, HIV/AIDS patients, unemployed people, people with drug or alcohol addiction, ethnic minorities and other disadvantaged groups.
In line with the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of the 2030 Agenda, PROCLADE strives daily to ensure sustainable social, economic and ecological development, by acting in the following areas; Also, on the behalf of Claretian Congregation, PROCLADE manages the SOS Fund for Emergencies in collaboration with members of Claretian Family members – CMF, RMI and Lay Claretians.
(school construction, provision of furniture, scholarships for children and young adults, libraries, animation programmes for youth, etc)
(clinic and dispensaries construction, counselling, awareness programmes, furniture and medical supplies, toilets facilities, etc.)
(boreholes and wells construction, food supply to schools, awareness programmes in food security, farm animals, etc.)
ENVIRONMENT protection
(climate change mitigation, recycling, energy-saving devices, biodiversity conservation, etc.)
(acquisition, installation, or improvement of a renewable energy system like solar, wind, hydro and geothermal energy)
(houses construction, awareness programmes, employment opportunities, etc)
(vocational trainings, awareness programmes, employment opportunities, supply of materials, etc.)
(trainings in irrigation and water storage techniques, agricultural productivity, construction of seedbeds, etc)
(radio, social media, recording studios, publications, trainings, etc)
(provision of cars, motorbikes, bikes, school bus, ambulances, tractors, etc.)
(multimedia and ICT centers, ICT trainings, computer laboratories, supply of devices, etc.)
(multipurpose halls for community’s activities, structures like bakeries, carpentries etc.)

Construction of a study hall at Kavasam hostel for poor Dalit students, Kakkanur, Tamil Nadu, India (Ref.No.X057/2019)

Centro cultural y deportivo, Mérida, Venezuela (Ref.No. X020/2022)

Assistance for Emergency Relief Work for War Victims in Ukraine (E001/2022)

New building for St.Claret primary school at Rangasora, Meghalaya, India (Ref.No. X092/2022)

Basketball court for students of Claret Vidyaniketan, Ranchi, Jharkhand, India (Ref.No. X085/2022)

Holistic Engaging and Training of the Datal Anggas Youths, Philippines (Ref.No. X034/2021)

Rain water harvesting system for abandoned children and women of Mercy Home, Madurai, India (Ref.No.X061/2022)

Educación técnica para jovenes, Mérida, Venezuela (Ref.No. X022/2022)

Providing Water, Sanitation & Hygien (Wash) In The Kingandu Health Area, D.R. of Congo (X080/2017)

Tailoring formation for women at Katukuru village, Mbarara, Uganda (Ref.No. X089/2021)

Vocational Training on Hair Dressing for Rural Women of Akropong, Ghana (X025/2019)

1-year salary for teachers in Doguigui and Gentil village schools, Sarh, Chad (Ref.No. U001/2022)

Alternative job creation for youth in Kimbondo and Mbenseke, DR.Congo (Ref.No.X074/2020)

Bore-Hole for St. Joseph Abansere, Jinijini Rectorate, Ghana (Ref.No. X076/2021)

Science laboratories at St. Claret school, Bishrail, West Bengal, India (Ref.No.X029/2019)

Sponsorship for children of La Ceiba, Honduras

Construction of a 4-classroom block in the village Doguigui, Banda, Chad (Ref.No.X024/2019)

Construction of a sport court for the students of the campus “Paz y Interculturalidad”, Quibdó, Colombia (Ref.No.X074/2018)

Furniture and audio-system for St.Claret holistic centre, Kanyakumari, India (Ref.No.X013/2021)

Recording studios in Karukutty, India (Ref.No. X094/2020)

Vehicle for Disaster Management in Karen, Kenya (X006/2019)

Water tank for the community of Nkolbisson, Cameroon (Ref.No. X005/2020)

Feeding programme for the students of St. John college, Tamil Nadu, India (Ref.No. U002/2022)

Digging a borehole for St. Charles pre&primary school and hostel at Michungwani, Tanzania (X003/2017)

Toilets construction for the community of Kerwa-Kiambu, Kenya (Ref.No. X106/2017)

Construction of toilets in the Olembe village, Batchenga, Camerun (Ref.No. X058/2020)

Four boreholes in the village of Jillada, Adilabad, India (Ref.No. X092/2021)

Water harvesting facilities in St. Claret pre and primary school at Michungwani, Tanzania (Ref.No.X042/2020)

Solar Power Equipment and Furniture for St. Claret Primary School and Hostel, Nongmensong, India (X017/2018)

Providing Claret Youth Centre with Sewing Machines and Basic Carpentry Equipment (X050/2019)

Construction of a Primary School at Chimpu, India (X014/2016)

Boreholes construction in the villages of Puedgo, Godin and Sgnongen (X030/2020)

Borehole Construction in the village of St. Felicité, Burkina Faso (X035/2021)

Economic and Social Empowerment of Dalit Women from Kakkanur, india (X010/2019)
Proclade Yanapay Hostels Maintenance Programme
About this Programme
The Proclade Yanapay Hostel Maintenance Programme (PYHMP) was launched in 2017 to reduce the early school leaving and eradicate illiteracy in various places in Africa, Asia and South America
Student housings play a key-role in many less-developed countries where often children cannot go to school for many reasons: poor economic conditions of their families, lack of awareness about education, lack of transports, long distance, risks for girls to be abused on their way to the school, etc.

St. Claret Hostel, Boasmila, India
The presence of student housings increase access to learning opportunities of children from disadvantaged communities.
In partnership with Fundación Proclade Yanapay based in Bilbao, Spain, since 2017 we have been supporting around 1000 students every year.
This programme
- promotes access to schooling
- attains gender equality in enrolment
- provides learning environments to children
- enhances academic performance of children
- gives security and protection to girls
- meets nutritional needs of children
- promotes socialization and mainstreaming of poor and minority children.

St. Claret Hostel, Makoko – Musoma, Tanzania
In 2022, 927 students from India, Democratic Republic of Congo, Tanzania and Uganda, benefitted from the Programme.

Beto Na Beto Hostel, DR of Congo

Kavasam Hostel, Chennai, India

Bakhita Hostel, Tanzania

Bakhita Tanzania

Hostel in Kiyunga, Uganda
“A child without education is like a bird without wings”
(Tibetan proverb)
The Education Fund ‘Mirella Fiorillo’ was established in 2020 in memory of the child Mirella who passed away during the COVID-19 pandemic. A special woman from Italy who at that time was visiting some villages of West Bengal, in India, met the Claretian missionaries of the Independent Delegation of Kolkata who have been doing social work for tribal people since 1986. She decided to support the education of vulnerable children of this area.

If you want to support the Mirella Fiorillo Education Fund, contact us!

Thanks to the Education Fund, so far 9 children aged 8-14 had the opportunity to learn, develop skills, play, and grow into healthier adults with better prospects in life.
In the West Bengal state of India, many areas consist of tribal populations. The villages basically come under agrarian society. Many youths are drop outs and join with their parents in cultivation and taking care of the cattle. Due to financial difficulties and lack of awareness about education, they are not able to go for higher studies. Besides, the young girls and boys are given in marriage at their very early age, which drastically affect their future life and their marginalized condition.