Together we make the world a better place for everyone.
Discover how you can support us and join our projects to contribute to the change!
Donate Now
Planned Giving
Donate your 5xMille
Become Volunteer
Collaborate with your Company
Donate Now
Thank You, Your donation help us to improve the life conditions of the most vulnerable people.
Besides, by donating online we can also keep in contact with you and share any updates from the ground and goals achieved.
You can also ask your bank to set up an automatic monthly giving – It will help us to give continuous help. If you go for a bank transfer, write us an email:
We would like to thank you for your generosity in advance!
Donate by bank transfer:
You can make a donation to our bank account UniCredit:
- IBAN: IT 73 G 02008 05170 000101556451
- Bank account owner: Proclade Internazionale Onlus
Planned Giving
A planned giving is a great way to support our projects and actions for the most vulnerable people as it allows us to plan the activities and give prompt response in emergencies.
Help us provide poor children, women and other vulnerable people with food, medicine, clean water, education, loving care and hope for a better future.
Donate your 5xMille

5×1000 is a portion of the income-tax, which the Italian State allocates to provide financial support, between bodies that carry out socially relevant activities. Paying this amount is at the discretion of the citizen-payer.
You can choose to donate the 5×1000 to PROCLADE stating it on your annual tax declaration. This will actively support PROCLADE Internazionale projects.
PROCLADE allocates its 5 x 1000 income tax exclusively to the promotion of human rights and social justice through international cooperation projects and emergency aids.. On 2022, PROCALDE resolved to allocate the 2021 “5 x 1000” to the project “Vocational Training to empower Rural Women of Akropong, Ghana” (Ref.No X025/2019)
You can donate your 5×1000 to PROCLADE by writing the Foundation tax code in the box “Support for non-profit organizations of social utility” in the pre-filled statement of your tax declaration.
PROCLADE’s tax code is 09248901002.
Even companies can do a lot to contribute to the mission of PROCLADE Internazionale Onlus, thanks to 5×1000. Engage your network with a simple but important gesture like sharing our PROCLADE’s Tax Code cards (09248901002): you can help us reach more and more people.
Collaborate with your company
If you are the CEO of a company or work in a company, you would like to commit supporting our missions, discover the proposals we have prepared for you.
If you chose to support us, contact us by email so that we can discuss in more details.