Proclade Yanapay Hostel Maintenance Programme (PYHMP)
About this Programme
The Proclade Yanapay Hostel Maintenance Programme (PYHMP) was launched in 2017 to reduce the early school leaving and eradicate illiteracy in various places in Africa, Asia and South America
Student housings play a key-role in many less-developed countries where often children cannot go to school for many reasons: poor economic conditions of their families, lack of awareness about education, lack of transports, long distance, risks for girls to be abused on their way to the school, etc.

St. Claret Hostel, Boasmila, India
The presence of student housings increase access to learning opportunities of children from disadvantaged communities.
In partnership with Fundación Proclade Yanapay based in Bilbao, Spain, since 2017 we have been supporting around 1000 students every year.
This programme
- promotes access to schooling
- attains gender equality in enrolment
- provides learning environments to children
- enhances academic performance of children
- gives security and protection to girls
- meets nutritional needs of children
- promotes socialization and mainstreaming of poor and minority children.

St. Claret Hostel, Makoko – Musoma, Tanzania
In 2022, 927 students from India, Democratic Republic of Congo, Tanzania and Uganda, benefitted from the Programme.

Beto Na Beto Hostel, DR of Congo

Kavasam Hostel, Chennai, India

Bakhita Hostel, Tanzania

Bakhita Tanzania

Hostel in Kiyunga, Uganda